Thanks for reading. Indeed, I experienced the same things at the very early stage because I’m an Alpha tester of Cloud Run. Today, the behavior is far more better but not perfect for all the use cases.
For example, even if you don’t have limit on max instance and you have a sudden huge traffic with a quite long processing time (like in my StackOverflow comment, a Fibonacci computation).
The team, whom Steren Giannini is a Product Manager (Also in StackOverflow answer) always works on this topic for finding the best balance for all use case.
Anyway, just go back to your use case. If you set a max-instance to 2 and you have a huge traffic that cause 429, I’m seeing 2 use cases:
- Either your service is popular and it is not well sized (2 instances is too low). If you set this limit for limiting cost, and your service is popular, in this case it’s your business model that is not well designed.
- Or you have an attack or a wrong usage of your service. In this case, you are protected and you won’t pay for nothing.
So, the team don’t look for fixing special use cases with an Hello World and without any real world usage.
However, if your use case is real, I recommend you to reach the team through the support and to describe them your concern, your use case, and what you expect.
Don’t hesitate to reach me on twitter if you want to discuss more.